Weekend Away: Pacific Grove

I seriously cannot wait to head out this weekend for a much needed break. I have taken on too many clients this spring and have been feeling overwhelmed pretty much everyday. I am excited to work on all of these different projects, and I seriously do love my work - but a girl has gotta take a break! My husband and I booked this trip a few weeks ago to get out of town and spend some quality offline time together. With the pregnancy tiring me out early in the evening, and both of us working till late, we really have not had too much quality time together! I am so excited to feel the cool crisp air of the ocean and to explore the Monterey coastline with my love. I don't think all the ice plants will be in bloom right now (like in this pic!) - but I sure do hope so. It has been unusually warm so there is a chance spring has sprung already :)

So yep, this better be me - basking in the sunshine, reading a good book, and surrounded by natural beauty! Just need to get through this last day of work...but my mind is already on vacation :)

What are you up to this weekend?

xo, Jess

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