Week in Pictures

I am sorry that I am totally copying this format from other bloggers - but it is Monday morning and I am not feeling very creative! I really like this format however, because it allows me to zoom in to a moment in time and reflect. So here we go!

1. This weekend was mostly spent cleaning around the apartment, running errands, and doing taxes. But for one wonderful hour Jack and I played around on the Berkeley campus, while Josh was in the lab (he is a post-doc in Neuroscience there). Jack is obsessed with all the squirrels on campus and is convinced that he will be able to catch one. He makes really funny whining noises and has an intensity in his eyes that is incredible. Usually the squirrels just sit on a branch staring back and taunting him!

2. I found this blank piece of wood by the garbage at the artist warehouse where I rent my studio. I am discovering one of the perks of working at an art studio is the supplies/art work that artists throw out. I like this picture because it represents a blank slate - it is beautiful as is - but also filled with endless creative possibilities. I may keep it blank for awhile.

3. On Thursday morning I attended a lovely San Francisco City Hall wedding for a friend/co-worker of my husband. Our City Hall is truly such a gorgeous place, the light on the third floor is incredible. If you are ever visiting SF, stop by City Hall, you won't be disappointed! After the wedding we went to an incredible brunch at Zazie in Cole Valley. The wedding was so much the opposite of my own (200 people, months of planning) but the glow of love on their faces was the same. Doesn't matter if your wedding is small or large - if you are marrying the person you love - the emotions are the same.

4. Last week I wrote a personal post about my struggles with female friendship and the desire for a 'girl group'. I was really taken aback and touched by the amount of comments I received! So wonderful to know that I am not alone, and I was seriously moved by everyones personal stories. I can't believe how much this blog has grown over these past 4 months, and I am so proud of the online community that it is beginning to foster.  

All of these pictures are from my Instagram - if you like Jack Russell Terriers, light-filled studios, and bougainvillea - follow me! @Juneletters

Hope your week is off to a great start! 

Xo Jess